List of Important Long Questions of Modern Novel in 2022 for MA English Literature Part 2 - Sargodha University

{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}

Heart of Darkness

  1. Significance of the Title
  2. Condemnation of Imperialism
  3. Character of Kurtz and Marlow (Their Dependence on Each Other)
  4. Symbols
  5. As an Auto-biographical Novel

Things Fall Apart

  1. As a Social Document
  2. Character Analysis of Okonkwo
  3. As a Tragedy
  4. Comparison with Heart of Darkness
  5. Themes and Symbols

Lord of the Flies

  1. As an Allegory
  2. Major Themes
  3. Characters of Ralph and Jack
  4. Significance of the Title

Sons and Lovers

  1. Paul's Relationship with Clara and Miriam
  2. Significance of the Title
  3. Character of Gertrude Morel
  4. Oedipus Complex
  5. Autobiographical Novel

To the Lighthouse

  1. Feminist Perspective
  2. Character of Mrs. Ramsay
  3. Major Themes
  4. Stream of Consciousness

Other Topics

Themes in Modern Novels Included in the Syllabus


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