Critical Analysis - The Functions of a Teacher - An Essay by Bertrand Russell

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The essay The Functions of a Teacher consists of some theories of Bertrand Russell which relate to the department of education. Russell advocates that a teacher must have the freedom to teach how he likes as well as the ideas what he thinks is right and beneficial for his students. A teacher is a guardian of civilization. He should teach his students to weight something impartially, be it a dismal political situation or staggering economy. A teacher should not adhere to a specific political party as well as he must not observe the act of flattery before officers. Society must protect the teachers whose independent opinions hurt [imperial] political interests.


Teachers should teach their pupils to live their life without jealousy and prejudice against their fellows. He must work hard on strengthening the kind impulses in the students to spread happiness in their society.


A teacher of today's time has to lead a difficult life. He feels overworked and harassed. Why? Russell suggests two core factors behind a teacher's miserable condition. Firstly, a teacher is considered as a trainer to pass the examination. So, he is unable to invoke the impulse of mental as well as liberal development in his students. Secondly, his methods of teachings and curriculum are controlled and framed by bureaucrats. Mostly, the curriculum framed by the higher authorities serves no purpose other than the promotion of the ideological agenda of the state which creates a fatal sense of nationalism. A teacher feels restricted to teach what he wants to teach.

The teachers have no authority to decide what shall be taught or what the methods of instruction are to be.


Russell also defines civilization besides asserting his views on the duties of a teacher. He says that a country cannot be termed as a civilized one on the bases of the cutting edge technology and abundance of machinery. Civilization makes its full disclosure through inner peace of mind. Civilization is a matter "partly of knowledge and partly of emotions". A civilized person is not only aware of the affairs of his own country but also of the whole world. As far as emotions are concerned, a civilized man does not take side to his personal self; he admires what is admirable and hates what is injurious to mankind. A teacher retains a balance between the two elements of civilization which are knowledge and emotions through his teachings.

Bust Of Bertrand Russell-Red Lion Square-London


Lastly, Russell openly opposes the dogmatic (making an idea or concept true without evidence) and totalitarian imperialism through controlled education which significantly lead to extremism. Russell gives an example from Germany where Roman Catholicism was mixed with their curriculum which pretty much served as a toxic tonic to form the most barbaric group Nazis. Despite its horrors, the controlled curriculum is imposed in many countries and our Pakistan in no exception.


Russell Opposes the State Control over Education


It is evident through his essay that Russell openly shows his "hatred" against the State control over education and curriculum. His detest (another fancy word for hatred) is justifiable. In a democratic state, it is ridiculous that the state holds full control over curriculum and it decides what is right and what is wrong for its people. Such curriculum is of no use other than propagation of a specific agenda and exploitation of its people.


Russell takes Teachers to Mountains


There is no doubt that this essay outshines the importance of a teacher in the best way possible. But Russell makes a teacher dominant to his upper authorities. He raises a teacher to an extremely higher point where he can be compared to a philosopher, a leader or a nation builder. Russell forgets that many teachers in the developing countries, including our Pakistan and India, exploit their freedom to serve on their ends or for the political parties they support [political union in a university is a pretty good example].


Russell favours Democracy of Education


Every essay of Russell is recalled for the sufficient advocacy of democracy. In this essay, Russell asserts his views in favour of the democracy of education which can only be achieved through a fair and a free-from-State-control education. Democracy has some faults of its own but still, it ranks on top of the other forms of governments. To support his democratic advocation in this essay, Russell alludes examples from history. He says that the aftermath of wars in the seventeenth century afterwards have resulted in a democratic state. He also adds that ruin becomes destiny for the nation who is run by a narrow-minded government.


Civilization is something about the Internal


Russell's opinion on civilization is also admirable. Civilization is not about accumulating external pleasures, it is about the attainment of the internal peace of mind through a well-balanced intellectual reconciliation of constructive knowledge and emotions. Russel expects from teachers to teach their pupils the civilization which is 'required' for international peace and prosperity.




This essay is no exception from Russell's humanitarianism. He wants to safeguard the people from cruelty through an impartial teacher and education. But a teacher must recognize his duties and should act for the betterment of himself and his society in the best way possible. The functions of a teacher are to teach without spreading malice against any group and to preach the true pursuits of the civilization.


Sources and Suggested Readings


  3. Notes Provided by Sir Saffi


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