List of Important Long Questions of Modern Drama in 2022 for MA English Literature Part 2 - Sargodha University

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Hedda Gabler

  1. As a Tragedy and Reasons behind Her Tragedy
  2. Reflection of Social Issues in Hedda Gabler
  3. Role of Female Characters
  4. Significance of the title
  5. Symbolism
  6. Character Sketch of Hedda Gabler

Arms and The Man

  1. Shaw as a Realist
  2. Reversal of Values in Arms and the Man
  3. Shaw as a Socialist
  4. The Shavian Hero in Arms and the Man

The Sea

  1. Character of Mrs. Rafi and Mr. Hatch
  2. Use of Symbols and Metaphors
  3. Responsibility of Individual in Search of Truth
  4. A Tragedy or a Black Comedy
  5. Bond's Concept of Violence in The Sea
  6. Meaning of the Title

Waiting for Godot

  1. Existentialism and Nihilism
  2. As an Absurd Play
  3. The Theme of Waiting
  4. Other Themes
  5. Tragedy or Comedy
  6. Significance of Lucky's Speech
  7. Beckett as a Dramatist
  8. Similarities and Difference between Estragon and Viladmir
  9. Symbolism

Cherry Orchard

  1. As a Political Play - Or Political Change
  2. As a Tragic Comedy
  3. Character Sketch of Lyubov
  4. Character Sketch of Lopakhin
  5. As a Naturalistic Play
  6. Importance of the Title

Other Topics

  1. The Main Features of British Drama after World War 2
  2. Who is the Father of Modern Drama, Ibsen or Shaw? 

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