Character Sketch of Mrs. Rafi in The Sea - A Play by Edward Bond

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Who is Mrs. Rafi? 

Mrs. Rafi is not only a central figure of the play, but an authoritative as well as the influential lady of the society in which she lives. No particular detail is given regarding the physique of Mrs. Rafi other than the phrase "ageing". So, she is a woman of an old age. The character of Mrs. Rafi demonstrates the conflict between the upper and lower classes in their contemporary society. She is on the exploitative side of the aristocratic class and her exploitation of others is shown through her authoritative behaviour. 

Character Analysis of Mrs. Rafi in The Sea

The Authoritative Nature of Mrs. Rafi

Mrs. Rafi is first and foremost, an authoritative figure of her society. She does not possess any regard for the individual freedom of the people who are under her thumb. She expresses her authoritarian necessity as thus: 

Sometimes I think I am like a lighthouse in their world. I give them a sense of order and security. 

But she fails to recognize that people are more capable than what she thinks about her mental calibre. Mrs. Rafi is NOT a lighthouse for the people like Hatch but like the sea which keeps the sailors (people like Hatch) afloat at its own will. We find her exploitive adventures when she uses Hatch as her gardener yet he is an 'independent' shopkeeper or draper to be more precise. Mrs. Rafi orders curtains and then refuses to buy the curtains that Hatch bought by putting the whole income of his shop at risk is a significant example of the manipulative tactics of Mrs. Rafi to keep people under her influence. 

Her Artistic Nature

Another noticeable trait in the character of Mrs. Raffi is her artistic nature that is present in some parts of the play. A good example showcasing her artistic taste is her conducting of a play annually, not only to satisfy her aristocratic taste but also as a kind gesture of sympathy about which we will talk in the other paragraph. Even during her artistic endeavours, Mrs. Rafi appears commanding. It is Mrs. Rafi who directs the play. If someone is not acting according to her directions, she rebukes them hard. For example, Mrs. Rafi scolds Mafanwy for not acting of swimming properly. Thus, Mrs. Rafi does show artistic taste but that is also characterized by her commanding behaviour. 

Some Positive Traits in her Character

The character of Mrs. Rafi is not entirely negative or villainish. She has also some positive aspects in her character. As mentioned before, one of the core reasons behind arranging the play is to collect money for the coastguards. But her sympathy does not end there. Mrs. Rafi cancels the order of the curtains that she placed in the shop of Hatch due to the irresponsibility of Hatch in saving the life of the drowning Collins, 

You let an innocent man drown. (Mrs. Rafi)

Another positive aspect of the personality of Mrs. Rafi is her realization of her authoritative nature. She is not like the typical dictators who do not accept their being dictators. Mrs. Rafi knows well that she is getting old and with her ageing life, she cannot hold her authority for long: 

I’m afraid of getting old. I’ve always been a forceful woman. I was brought up to be. People expect my class to shout at them. Bully them. They’re disappointed if you don’t. It gives them something to gossip about in their bars.

This line uttered by Mrs. Rafi is important in a sense because it shows why people want to obey someone because they expect the higher class to be their "masters". 


Despite showing some positive traits in her character, but those traits are dwarfed by Mrs. Rafi's authoritative and commanding behaviour in both her matters of the heart as well as in her artistic endeavours. 


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