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Examination Hall,
A. B. C. (City),
May 3, 2018
The Editor,
The “News”,
Subject: Publication of Sensational News
With the reference to the recent news about Ali Zafar and Misha Shafee,
your paper has done something strange, something beyond the values of society
and religion. But the story does not close here, your paper regularly publishes
sensational news on various topics like rape, financial corruption and especially
on political affairs. The deplorable )ر زمکو )scene of news is presented by your
Now, the elections of 2018 are making their road )بیآرےہںیہ
ق .)The people of
Pakistan want a clear panorama of every candidate, who is taking part in those
elections. I, therefore, request you to look forward towards your policies and
terms and to avoid publishing sensational news. Because it will be better for your
newspaper as well as the future of Pakistan.
I hope that you will response positively on my lines.
Yours faithfully,
Asad Imran