Why do Students get Supplies in MA English (Written by the Actual Examiner)

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The problems with Students' responses can be divided into two main categories. Language and Content. First, I will mention the problems regarding language (remember language is primary thing regarding MA English). And after that I will move to the content.


1-The First major problem is the use of verb and connected to it is inconsistent use of verb tenses, i.e. mixing of present, past and future. If You are unable to use verbs properly, MA English might prove very difficult for you. (E.g. Oedipus go to Thebes)
2- The second issue is inconsistent point of view. i.e. mixing of first person, second person and third person.
2- The second issue is use of proper vocabulary. (Laius was died by the hands of Oedipus) believe me I have read this sentence hundreds of times.
3- The third issue with language is inconsistent use of pronouns.
4- The fourth issue with language is spellings.
Other minor issues such as punctuations can be ignored if the above-mentioned errors can be rectified.
Now Remember, a single grammatical mistake can deprive you from 2 marks of short question even if your content is relevant.


As far as Content is concerned, majority of students have absolutely no idea what is being asked and how to answer it. All they do in answer is to start from praising the greatness of author (which is not required) and start describing the story (summary) without relating the story to the question that is being asked and without even concluding the answer in relation the question.
The answer needs to be written in response of the question.
For example if you are being asked “Comment upon the role of fate and destiny in Oedipus Rex” You answer should start from the key words, addressing the issue that you are being asked to comment upon. E.g.
Role of fate and destiny has been subject of debate from the very beginning of human history. Fate is defined as . . . while destiny is defined as . . . Oedipus Rex is a play by Greek Playwright Sophocles that explores the issue of fate and destiny. . . .
(After describing Fate and destiny you can proceed to story but relate story to fate and destiny and these key words need to be repeated throughout the text so that your response may seem relevant.)
Adding supporting quotations is highly desirable.
At the end there should come a proper conclusion that should be summation of whole answer and it may include your comment as well.
While most of students write biography of writer, write story of novel or play and leave the rest for examiner to sort it out. Answer need to structured according to standard format of an essay. i.e. introduction – Body – Conclusion. And relating your answer to the question is most significant thing as far as content is concerned.

Khurram Daad (Checing Papers since 2013)
Assistant Professor
GC Sattelite Town, Rawalpindi

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