List of Important Long Questions of Prose for MA English Literature Part 1 - Sargodha University

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Click on any of the questions below to view its detailed answer. 

Bacon's Essays

  1. Bacon's Prose Style
  2. Bacon As a Moralist
  3. Bacon As a Philosopher
  4. Bacon's Worldly Wisdom
  5. Renaissance Elements in Bacon
  6. Bacon As An Essayist

Gulliver's Travels

  1. Swift's Prose Style
  2. Swift As a Satirist
  3. Swift As a Misanthrope
  4. Elements of Utopia in 'Gulliver's Travels'

Eminent Victorians - Lytton Strachey

  1. Strachey's Prose Style
  2. Strachey As a Biographer
  3. Strachey's Ironic Attitude
  4. The Psychological Milieu of Strachey
  5. Critical Appreciation of 'End of General Gordan'
  6. Critical Appreciation of 'Florence Nightingale'

Russell's Essays

  1. Russell's Prose Style
  2. Russell As a Philosopher
  3. Connection Between Philosophy and Politics
  4. The Future of Mankind - Critical Analysis
  5. The Functions of a Teacher - Critical Analysis
  6. Ideas That Have Helped Mankind - Critical Analysis
  7. Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind - Critical Analysis

Edward Said

  1. Edward Said's Prose Style
  2. Edward Said's Views on Culture
  3. Edward Said's Views on Imperialism
  4. Relationship Between Culture and Imperialism
  5. Classical English Novelists in 'Introduction to Culture and Imperialism'
  6. Influence of Post Colonialism on Edward Said


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