Critical Appreciation - When You Are Old - William Butler Yeats

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General Introduction

When You Are Old is a poem written by an Irish poet, William Butler Yeats. The poem appeared in his second poetic collection known as The Rose in 1893. The poem is based upon a poem written by Pierre de Ronsard, a French poet of the 16th century. Many critics argue that the poem was written for Yeats beloved, Maud Gonne, who was an Irish actress. The poem features a direct address to the reader warning him and her of the possible consequences of the old age. 

Critical Analysis - When You are Old

Development of Situation

The poem begins on the speaker telling us about how we get old when our hair begins to turn grey and our awakened condition is ruled by sleep. The poet takes a book and then slowly marches towards the memory of his beloved in his youth. He was loved because of his pilgrim soul and the sorrows of his changing face. Then the poet asserts the fleeing of love and how it hides itself in the mountains under the starry night. 


This short poem carries a comprehensive outlook on the complexities of maintaining a relationship based on love. The poet suggests that the one who is proud of his or her youthful beauty shall fade away as years move on. And he or she shall look back in time to ponder how things were so beautiful. It's easy to hunt for a lover in youth but the complexity takes place when the youthful sap fades away in the cruel hands of time. The poem rather exhibits a dismal approach to ageing which constitutes in loneliness when the glitter of youthful beauty transitions into darkness. 

Figurative Analysis

The poem contains a handful of literary devices well suited for a short poem like this one. Yeats personifies love by granting the humanistic quality of moving: 

Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled

The verse also contains magnificent symbols to add more meaning to the poem. "Grey and weak" is a symbol for an old woman. "Fire" symbolizes for the passion of love. While the symbol of mountains and stars denote to the unreachable desires of Yeats' beloved. 

Setting and Imagery

There is no particular place mentioned directly and indirectly in the poem. However, there is a time travel to the future when the addressee shall lose what she is so proud about. The images of this poem are obvious. Some notable images of this poem may include like, "old and grey", "full of sleep", "nodding by the fire", "their shadows deep", "mountains overhead", and "a crowd of stars". 

Structural Analysis

The poem is made of twelve lines which are further divided into three stanzas of four lines. Thus forming three quatrains. The rhyme scheme of this poem is ABBA CDDC EFFE. The rhythmic pattern of this poem is iambic pentameter. 


When You Are Old is an impressive poem by Yeats as a caveat (warning) to his beloved Moud Gonne who rejected his proposal of love. 

Sources and Suggested Readings

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