Classical Novel - Short Questions and Their Answers (From Sargodha University Past Papers) MA English Literature Part 1

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Classical Novel - Short Questions

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2022 IIA

Q1: What novel did Henry Fielding parody while writing Joseph Andrews?
Pamela by Samuel Richardson. 
Q2: Who is Mr. Tow-wouse?
Mr. Two Wouse is a greedy, self-centered innkeeper who doesn't help the ailment-stricken Joseph. 
Q3: Who is Lady Catherine De Bourgh?
Lady Catherine De Bourgh, by relation, is Darcy's aunt. She tries to create a rift between Darcy and Elizabeth but that only results in bringing them closer together. 
Q4: Who is Stephen Guest?
Already answered
Q5: Who is Bob Jankin?
Already answered
Q6: Who is Mercy Chant?
Mercy Chant is a schoolteacher and a neighbor of Angel Clare. Although Clare's parents want Angel to marry Mercy, she marries Angel's brother Cuthbert. 
Q7: Who is Sorrow?
Sorrow is the name of Tess' son who was born as a result of Alec's illicit actions. Sorrow died as soon as he was born while Tess baptized and buried him all by herself. 
Q8: What does wine symbolize in A Tale of Two Cities?
The wine's color symbolizes as a symbol of blood and violence whereas its intoxicating nature serves as a symbol of the loss of self-control and lack of rationality among the revolutionists. 
Q9: Who is Charlotte Lucas?
Already answered
Q10: Who is Mrs, Glegg?
Mrs. Gleg is the eldest sister of Mrs. Tulliver. She is an authoritative figure on her household and her excessively criticizing nature makes both Tom and Maggie hide from their aunt. Source


Q1: What type of character is Parson Adams?
Already answered
Q2: Who are the Wilsons?
The Wilsons are Joseph Andrews and Fanny's parents. Symbolically, they represent the acquisition of something that was lost a long time ago. 
Q3: Who is Jarvis Lorry?
Jarvis Lorry is a "banker" in the Tellsons bank. He not only saves Lucie when her father is imprisoned but he also helps her in rescuing her father. 
Q4: Who is Peter Pounce?
Already answered
Q5: Who is Lydia?
Already answered
Q6: Who is Lucy Deane?
Already answered
Q7: Where does Angel first see Tess?
At May Day Dance, in the market. 
Q8: Who is Joan Durbytield?
Already answered
Q9: What does the river Floss represent?
The river in The Mill on The Floss serves as a symbol of the final reconciliation of Tom and Maggie and as a force of destruction as it takes away their lives. 
Q10: What is an autobiographical novel?
An autobiographical novel carries events and incidents that are based on the author's own life. For example, The Mill on The Floss is based on Evan's own life, and Sons and Lovers on Lawrence's. 


Q1: What type of character is Lady Booby?
Lady Booby is a round character with a complex sense of control. She wants se control over her footman for her sensual pleasures while she cannot control her own passions when she learns that Joseph is about to be knotted with Fanny. 
Q2: Who is Mrs. Slipslop?
The character of Mrs. Slipslops serves as a foil to Lady Booby. She is vein and falls for Joseph similarly like Lady Booby. 
Q3: What is a comic-epic in prose?
A comic epic in prose is a fusion of the core elements of novel, epic, comedy and romance. It holds the adventure of romance at the length of an epic and is written in prose. 
Q4: Who is Mr Collins?
Already answered in Q3 of 2017. 
Q5: Who is George Wickham?
George Wickham is a cousin of Fitzwilliam Darcy, who lures Lydia Bennett into elopement. Darcy saves the grace of the Bennett family by providing financial support to the couple. 
Q6: Who is John Barsard?
John Barsard is an English spy who roams the streets for Marquis St.  Evremonde. He escapes to England when Paris burns under the fire of revolution. 
Q7: Who is Madame Defarge?
Madame Defarge is the prominent force behind the revolutionary activities in Paris. She seeks vengeance on Marquis St Evremonde for the rape of her sister (long ago). 
Q8: Who is Philip Wakem?
Philip Wakem is the son of the arch-rival of Tullivers, Mr. Wakem. Though physically disabled, Philip Wakem shares his artistic and intellectual interests (including books) with Maggie Tulliver. 
Q9: Who is Mr. John Durbyfield?
Already answered in Q9 of 2017. 
Q10: What is the significance of knitting?
Already answered in Q5 of 2017. 


Q1: Who is Betty?

Already answered in 2017 section

Q2: Who is Mrs. Lady Booby?

Already answered in 2018 section

Q3: Who is Caroline Bingley?

Caroline Bingley is the jealous sister of Charles Bingley. 

Q4: Who is Georgina?

Georgiana is the twelve years younger sister of Mr. Darcy. She is a shy teenager but an able musician. 

Q5: What is Dover Beach?

Dover Beach is the beach that links England to France. 

Q6: Who is Jerry Cruncher?

Already answered in 2017 section

Q7: Who is Lawyer Wakem?

Lawyer Wakem is a cunning and opportunist lawyer who takes away the Dorlcote Mill from Mr. Tulliver. 

Q8: Who is Bob Jakin?

Already answered in 2017 section

Q9: Who is Mrs. John Durbeyfield?

Already answered in 2016 section

Q10: Who is Reverend Clare?

Already answered in 2017 section


Q1: Who is Mrs. Slipslop?

Mrs. Slipslop is an attendant of Lady Booby. Just like her Lady, she has some evil intentions on poor Joseph too. Unlike her rigid and dry lady, she is colourful in her tongue manners.

Q2: Who is Betty?

Betty is a chamber-maid in Tow-Wouse inn. She recommends of Joseph's treatment and takes herself as Joseph's nurse. She is also smitten by the physical grace of the boy and plans to have an illicit relation with him which Joseph rejects.

Q3: Who is Mr. Collins?

Mr. William Collins is a distant cousin of Mr. Bennet who is a clergyman by profession and manages the estate of his patron lady Catherine de Bourgh. As Mr. Bennet is not blessed with a son, Mr. Collins will be a heir for their estate of Longbourn. View Source

Q4: Who is Mrs. Bennet?

Mrs. Bennet who was once a paragon of beauty, is the mother of five unmarried daughters who can go to any limit to get her daughters married to the wealthy suitors.

Q5: What is the significance of knitting?

Madam Defarge's knitting through a needle and a thread on a piece of cloths determine the fate of the victims of a so-called newly established republic. Her knitting is a symbol of cold-bloodedness and cruelty. View Source

Q6: Who is Jerry Cruncher?

Jerry Cruncher is an old employer in Tillson's Bank. He hoarse-voiced, superstitious and a harsh fellow. He gains his income through digging up the graves and selling the dead bodies to medical scientists. View Source

Q7: Who is Lucy Deane?

Lucy Deane is Tom and Maggie's kin and younger than Maggie. She is the daughter of Susan Deane. She is kind and compassionate. View Source

Q8: Who is Bob Jakin?

Bob Jakin is Tom's friend since his childhood but Tom rejected his friendship for a quarrel. Later, Bob helps Tom to make money through his financial resources. [Source is the same as above]

Q9: Who is Mr. John Durbyfield?

John Durbyfield who is also known as Jack is Tess drunk and lazy father. When he discovers about his noble lineage, he devises many schemes, excuses and grand ideas to get the most of his noble line. View Source

Q10: Who is Reverend Clare?

Mr. Clare is a low Church clergyman who punished his son by refusing to send him to university because he refused to take religious orders. (Copied)


Q1: What do you know about Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy in Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice?

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy is one of the central characters of the novels. He is of proud and snobbish nature who, at first, rejects Elizabeth's beauty by terming her merely "tolerable". But his character changes and he secretly helps Bennet family to protect their honour by forcing Wickham to marry Lydia who has eloped with each other.

Q2: Can you briefly portray Mrs. Bennet's character?

Already portrayed.

Q3: Introduce the character of Lucy Deane.

Already introduced.

Q4: Who is Sir Stephen Wakem?

Stephen is an upper-class suitor of Maggie and he convinces her for an elopement but the lady ends up showing her affections for Philip. Stephen still grieves when Lucy dies.

Q5: Who is Alec e'Urberville?

Alec e'Urberville is rich, arrogant, lustful and proud-some person who ruins Tess life earlier in the novel but later helps her to meet her material requisites.

Q6: Describe 'The Slopes'.

'The Slopes' is a purely artificial construct, a

fake farm, where the unrealities of Alec's

ancestry are played out, bringing destruction

and turmoil to Tess. (Originally screenshotted by: Nut Xhut > M.A ENGLISH(Annual System) University of Sargodha(UOS))

Q7: Where was Mr. Jarvis Lorry traveling?

Mr. Jarvis Lorry was travelling towards Paris during the callous French Revolution to protect the branch and important documents of Tillson's Bank in Paris in 1792. View Source

Q8: Where was Alexander Manettee imprisoned and how long?

Alexander Manette was imprisoned in the Bastille for eighteen years. View Source

Q9: Who is Parson Adams?

Parson Adams is a clergyman of Lady Booby's parish estate. He is the one who secures the "stripped" and "abducted" Joseph and Fenny respectively. He serves himself as a picaresque companion for Joseph. He is the most humorous character of all the English books of literature.

Q10: Write an introduction of Lady Booby.

Lady Booby is the wife of Sir Thomas Booby. After the death of her husband, she holds the control of the Booby estate. She has her evil designs on poor Joseph and urges him to submit to her lustful intentions but the embodiment of morale refuses. She sets him to his picaresque journey and creates many hurdles between Joseph and Fanny to win his flesh.


Q1: Who is Mrs. Slipslop?

Already answered

Q2: Who is Peter Pounce?

Mr. Peter Pounce is a gluttonous steward of Lady Booby who gives loans to the servants on higher interest rates. View Source

Q3: Who is Charlotte Lucas?

Charlotte Lucas is Elizabeth Bennet's dear friend who takes marriage for security than love. View Source

Q4: Who is Mr. Collins?

Already answered

Q5: What is the significance of knitting?

Already answered

Q6: Who is Miss Pross?

Miss Pross is a friend of Lucie Menattee. She manages to take Lucie to France to set her father free from the eighteen years of imprisonment. In the end, she becomes deaf due to a pistol-shot fired by Madame Defarge. View Source

Q7: Who is Lucy Deane?

Already answered

Q8: Who is Stephen Guest?

Stephen Guest is willing to marry Lucy Deane. He is the son of the senior partner Guest & Co. Where Tom and Mr. Deane work. He is handsome statured. Although he loves Lucy but his heart is drawn at Maggie for her distinctive character. View Source

Q9: Who is Izz Huett?

Izz works honestly in a dairy farm. She is a friend of Tess. She falls in love with Angel and accepts his invitation to accompany him in Brazil. View Source

Q10: Who is Reverend Clare?

Already answered


Q1: Who is Beau Didapper?

Beau Didapper is a rogue, provoked by Lady Booby to rape Fanny Goodwill so that Joseph marriage might be affected.

Q2: Who is Parson Barnabas?

Parson Barnabas is a clergyman who takes much interests in the materials than spiritual purity. He takes pleasures in drinking punch (an alcoholic drink). He mocks the injured Joseph to be dead.

Q3: What is relation of Mr. Collins with Bennet Family?

Already Answered

Q4: Who is Lydia? Why did she elope?

Lydia is the youngest daughter of the Bennet family. She elopes with Wickham as a result of his black magic of persuasive power. He becomes successful in seducing the gentle lady morally.

Q5: Who is Miss Pross?

Already answered

Q6: Who is Mrs. Joan Durbeyfield?

Mrs. Joan Durbeyfield is the mother of Tess. She is blessed with many children and many duties. She is superstitious and she is often seen consulting with her book, Compleat Fortune-Teller. View Source

Q7: Who is Reverend Clare?

Already answered

Rest of the questions were not found in the past paper.


Q1: What is comic epic in prose?

A Comic epic in prose is literary genre innovated by Henry Fielding housing the elements of an epic, romance and comedy. Fielding did not feel it right to call it straight a novel because of its scattered reputation. View Source

Q2: Who is Lady Booby?

Already answered

Q3: Who is Fanny? Describe her personality in your own words.

Fanny Goodwill is the "picaresque reward" of Joseph. She is a living paragon of beauty. She is nineteen of age with delicate posture and her milk-white skin attract everyone.

Q4: Who is Charles Bingley?

Charles Bingley is a striking youth and well-mannered industrious person. His life partner, Jane parallels him in manners too. But Mr. Bingley is easily swayed by others. Just as Darcy creates complications while courting his beloved, Jane Bennet. View Source

Q5: Who is Charlotte Lucas?

Already answered

Q6: Who is Jerry Cruncher?

Already answered

Q7: What is the role of Sydney Carton?

Sydney Carton is twinned as Charles Darnay. He is a lawyer by profession but drinks heavily. He falls in love with Lucie and his passion is so strong that he sacrifices his life to save her loved ones. View Source

Q8: Who is Bob Jakin?

Already answered

Q9: Describe the Personality of Mr. Tom Tulliver.

Mr. Tom Tulliver is the brother of Maggie and a central character of the novel. He is arrogant, sympathetic, rude with his sister outwardly but inwardly, he loves her. His hard work leads his family out of the clutches of debt. View Source

Q10: Who is Jack Derbifield?

Already answered


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